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Dbms-database management system
r-relational by e.f.codd
data is different from information
mysql is not case sensitive for keywords

show databases;
show tables;
use <database name>;
create database <database name>;
drop table <table name>;
drop database <database name>;
create database if not exists database_name

create table <table name> no semicolon press enter

(<column name> <data type> default "default value <quotes as per data type>",

<column name> <data type> not null primary key,
<column name> <data type> check(col_name >100) );
# column name no spaces
#create from existing table:
Create table table2_name
// a select query in table
Select * from table 1 where marks>90;

describe <table name> ;describe or desc
# desc-show the structure of database

insert into <table name>  #no semicolon press enter
#custom insertion
insert into <table name>

#multiple insertion 
Insert into table_name
Values(set1), (set2) ;

* from <table name>;
select <column_1>*12 as <new name>,<column_2>,... from <table name>;
select * from <table name> where <column name> =/>/</<=/>=/<> condition ;or and not and<> not equal to ... between
select * from <table name> where <column name> in/not in (argument1,argument2) ;
# arguments with inverted commas as per data type
(arguments) are called domain == valid set of values
select * from <table name> where <column name> like wildcard ;
select * from <table name> where <column name> is/is not NULL
select * from <table name> order by <column_1> desc,<column_2> desc, column_3 asc ... ;
#can put multiple condition in order of execution by the order in which we enter the col. names
# by default it is ascending and we need not write asc
select distinct <column_1> from <table name>; 
select * from <table name> where <column name> between data1 and data2;
# data1 and data2 are both inclusive
Selection - choosing records to display with help of where clause
Projection--choosing which attributes /fields to display from a relation /table
#select "text"... Will display the text as header and value of a new field

Aggregate function- apply on whole table and return a single output or one result per group when used with group by


Min, max, avg, sum, count (column name) ignore null values

Count(*) include null values 
select count(*/col_name/distinct col_name...) from <table name>;
select * from table_name group by col_name;
// group by : divides a table in multiple group and perform aggreagate function as per condition

# syntax of using order by:
Select, where, group by, having, order by 
# where applies on whole table before grouping while having is applied to filter in each individual group
# if a column is select on which on aggregate function is applied with group by then it display the corresponding value from the record which comes first in that group  or table
**NOTE: aggregate functions don't work with where clause if a field without the aggregate function is called except also with group by, in which it applies to each group formed
Eg select sum(price), name from product where qty>100; is invalid but
select sum(price), max(qty) from product where qty>100; is valid


Arithmetic : +, -, /, *, %
Relational : =, <, >, <=, >=, <>
Logical- and, or, not
Special: between.. And.. , is null, in, like

Other functions(single row functions) :

They return 1 output per record
String - upper(col_name), lower() 

update <table name>
set <column_1>=<new data>
where <column_2>=<existing data>;
update <table name>
set <column_1>=<new data>; all records

Update table-name
Set col1=new-data col2=new-data, 
Where col3 in (1,2,3,4);
Note in where condition : or, in, and can be used over 1 or many columns 

delete from table_name; all records
delete from student
where col_name = value;
delete:-to delete records but the structure of table remain
not free the memory

table <table name>
add <column name> data_type constraints;

alter table table_name
add primary key(col_name);

<optional> after previous col_name;

Also the keyword 'constraint' can be used after the word add in above case

For other constraints replace 'primary key' with the constraint name

Adding foreign key:

Alter table table_name
Add foreign key(col_name) references table2_name(col_name of table2)

alter table table_name
drop col_name;

alter table table_name
drop primary key;

alter table table_name 
change old_col new_col type constarint;  or 

alter table table_name 
change COLUMN old_col new_col type constarint;

alter table table_name
modify col_name new_type constraint; 

alter table table_name
rename to new_table_name; not checked
alter table table_name
rename old_co to new_col; not working

truncate table <table name>;
truncate-delete all the records but the tables strucure will remain same
can't appy where condition with truncate
free the memory

joining tables:
create table2:
col_name data_type references table1_name(col_name));

natural join:common column don't repeats
**we make filter on the columns**
select table1.col_name , ..  from table1,table2
where table1.col1=table2.col1 ;

equi join: common column repeats-inner ,outer (left right ) 
select * from table1,table2
where table1.col1=table2.col1 ;
Right outer:
select * from table1 right join table On
where table1.col1=table2.col1 ;

cross join / cartesian product- create
joining 2 table without condition
columns add, records multiply
select * from table1,table2 ; 

1.Single line:
--[single space]text
2.Multi line:
........... */

select A.empif as "hello" from table1 A ;
Column alias, table alias
#alias can also be done on expressions:
Select 22/7 as pi;

select 5+7;
output == 12 (dual table)
dual  = defaut table of mysql. It has one row with value X and one column 'dummy' defined as varchar(2)

primary key
not null
foreign key (references)# work only in server version
#primary key = unique+not null
(space is used for assigning values and not equal to symbol)
#using default - name char(5) default 'Hello' ;

#2 ways /methods of adding constraints in create table command :
1.) Column method 
col_name type constraint(s) 
In the above constraints are added at the time of defining a column
2.) table method 
After all the columns have field defined with data types, at the end constraints are added
Col1 not null default "Hello", 
primary key(Col2, Col3)) ;
#Using table method we can assign a constraint to multiple fields in a single statement and also create composite primary key like in the above example 

Data types:
int / integer 
char(size) fixed length string
varchar(size) variable length string
# date--"yyyy-mm-dd"
NULL in capital without quotes
# <database name>.<table name> is location path

Char -1 byte per character
Vardhan-1 byte per character +2 to store length

Wildcards / pattern matching :
ab% starting with ab variable length
ab__ starting with ab fixed length

scalar expression-simple math expression in mysql
eg col1*col2
dual table= default table
degree of table ==no. of fields/attributes
cardinality==no. of tuples

alternative(candidate - primary key)

Sql command categories:
1.)data defination commands
->structure of table
2.)data manipulation command
command related to records of table
eg.) select , insert , delete , update
3.) Dcl - grant , revoke
4.) tcl - savepoint,rollback,commit


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