List and Tuple
l[position_index]=something -- update value of element
slicing - also starts from 0
While performing slicing if we enter any out of bound values then it will not show an error.
l.sort()= creates list in ascending order # eg. print(l.sort())
l.reverse()=reverse the order of elements in list
l.append(something)== add new items at end of list(individual item 1 or multiple)
l.insert(position_index,item to be added)== insert new item in between [typeError if only 1 argument given] (if the positive index entered is bigger than list length then value gets added at last/end)
l.pop(position_index)==remove item [if nothing specified then last item] [can give index error]
pop function also returns the deleted element i.e. prints it in interactive mode(if used)
l.remove(element in list)== remove first occurrence item [value error if not in list][type error if not specified]
del l1[index/range] [can give index error]
l.extend(list2)==add iterable as argument at the end (list, tuple, dictionaries, sets, strings)
l.reverse()==reverses the list
l.sort(reverse=True) [type error if all elements are not of same type]
l.index() [can give value error if element not found][first occurrence]
l.clear()==deletes a complete list (parenthesis are supposed to be empty else type error)
l.count(element)==returns the no. of occurrence of an element.
sum(l) [the above 3 function can show type error if list is consisted of element of more than 1 data type]
lists are mutable:
****by aliasing both the lists gets stored in same memory location****
>>> l1=[1,2,3]
>>> l2=l1
>>> l2[0]="hello"
>>> l2
['hello', 2, 3]
>>> l1
['hello', 2, 3]
copying a list:
import copy
L1[-1:] =l2
Remove the last element of l1 and add all elements of l2 at end of l1
TUPLE(cannot update value)
Or even
**single item tuple t=(1,)
slicing - also starts from 0
TUPLE methods:
t.count(element, start, /end)==counts how many times element1 occur in tuple
t.index(element1)==gives the position_index of element1
any(t)==true if not empty
sorted(t) ==all elements get sorted and returns the result as a list[or list1=sorted(t) ]
so it doesn't make changes in original tuple
tuple use less memory as compared to a list
If a list is inside a tuple then value inside the list can be changed without an error
x,=y (tuple value swapping)
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