Classes and Objects



class PascalCase # always

object = class()   to declare a object part of class and then perform functions

memory is alloted only after the above step

class ClassName:



object = ClassName()

object_attribute= value # updates individual value or add new value

object_attribute > class_attribule # more powerful(in times of calling them)

self-> gets automatically replaced with object name # to use within a func in class self.variable **

@staticmethod # written before def to make it as # it is a decorator

def __init__(self, {can contain more variable})==it gets automatically run even without calling when a object is created.

eg. def __init__(self,a,b):




the above is called a constructor and its arguments are written in object=class(arguments)

__method__ are called dunder method

types of function_names in a class:

attribute # normal

_attribute # normal used for human debugging

__attribute # saved as _classname__attribute()

dir(object) to check attributes

__name__ by default is equal to" __main__" or the name of module used 

self.attribute use only if defined in __init__ method else directly call variable.

object.variable == instance , class.variable

print(object.__dict__) shoes all instance attributes

@classmethod- def function(cls): cls.variable

anything can be written instead of self

creating a new object by function # class method as alternate constructor (like __init__)


    def new_object(cls,string):


        return cls(name,salary)

help(ClassName)==show details

print(function)==output is return value of function

__repr__ direct calling eg print(variable)==print(repr(variable))


def email(self):



def email(self,given_email):

    # show error as we can't directly change'@')[0]


    def function_name(self):

    del self.attribute1


use with if condition if ==none in .setter

del object.function_name  [which was used as property]    

from abc import ABCMeta or ABC(for py 3.4 or higher), abstractmethod


class BaseClassName(metaclass=ABCMeta)/(ABC)


def function_name():

it makes sure that any child class derived from the base class need to have a function which is specified in base class.

class BaseClass1:
class BaseClass2:
class DerivedClass1(BaseClass1) # single inheritance
child > parents
class DerivedClass2(BaseClass1, BaseClass2) # multiple inheritance
baseclass1>baseclass2 so,
print(object.attribute1)==value1 because of order in parenthesis

super().function_name(arguments) # it is followed by common function syntax
the above method is written in derived above if common function between both .
first it do as per base function then derived function.
self.variable=var #instance
self.__class__.variable=var # change class attribute
the above can be done by using @classmethod and cls in place of self

@property # to male a function behave a property [  function()   .property   ]#also known as getter
@function_name[used under @property].setter then def function_name(self,variable) # object.function_name=val1

operator overloading using dunder . these are called by numerical operators
+ == __add__
* == __mul__
- == __sub__
/ == __truediv__
// == __floordiv__
__str__ == defines str(object) or direct calling
__len__ == defines len(object)


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