ASCII and Print Formatting

ASCII - american standard code for information interchange

 ord("alphanumeric")==ascii code

chr(ascii code)==alphanumeric

A-Z -65-90

a-z -97-122

0-9 48-57

immutable -we can't change their values in place. in place imp.

Print Formatting


print(f/F"text {special value}")

print(f'{variable_name = }') #output == variable_name = variable_value

print(f'{variable_name!a}')==show ascii code instead of symbol if any


print(f'{variable_name!s}')== simple str print

str vs repr is that repr also print the inverted commas (')

repr()-it is generallly used for debugging

for custom class objects it returns the name and address of object inside <>.


f'{date_variable:%Y %m %d}'

f'{}'#n= number of decimal values to be printed

class :

class MyClass:

    def __format__(self,format_spec) -> str:

        print(f'Text in class method and {format_spec=!r}')

        return "TEXT RETURNed by class"

print(f'{MyClass():Text in fstring}')


Text in class method and format_spec='Text in fstring'

Writing r before a string opening “ treats all the \ as backslash and not as escape sequence


%c – Returns a Single character.

%d – Returns a Decimal Integer

%i – for Long integer

%u – Returns an unsigned decimal integer

%e, %E – Returns the floating-point value in exponential notation. 

%f – Returns the floating-point value in fixed-point notation. 

%g – Returns the shorter value of %f and %e

%G – Returns the shorter value of %f and %E

%c – Returns a Single character

%o – Returns an Octal value

%r – Generates string with repr()

%s – Converts the value to a string using str() function.

%x, %X – Returns the Hexadecimal integer.


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