Algorithm Divide the list in two half if length not = 1 or 2 sort left half sort right half merge the two merging: compare the first element of each half then choose(and remove) the smaller , then check the next index of the sub list from which ele1 was chosen and repeat it until both sublists become empty IMAGE: CODE: l1=[] n=int(input("Enter the number of elements in list: ")) for e in range(n): ele=int(input("Enter value for element: ")) l1.append(ele) print("Original list :",l1) def merge(la,lb): l1=list(la) l2=list(lb) l4=[] i=(len(l1)+len(l2)) while len(l4)<i: if len(l1)==0 or len(l2)==0: l4=l4+l1+l2 break if l1[0]>=l2[0]: l4.append(l2.pop(0)) else:...